Delaware Distance Classic 30th Anniversary:
For the 30th anniversary of the running of the Delaware Distance Classic, the race committee thought big. It added a 5K, which hadn’t been run in conjunction with the 15K in several decades. It had an improved 15K course, which went to the Peterson Natural Area, re-certified for another ten years and had the 5K course certified as well. It went after more sponsorships and got them.
The good news is that the funds brought in by the sponsorships and the registrations, will allow the club to not only contribute to more charitable organizations, but will put Pike Creek Valley Running Club on solid financial footing for another year. PCVRC especially thanks title sponsor New Balance – Brandywine and Christiana as well as presenting sponsors M & T Bank (15K) and Tap Scene B+ Race Foundation Team (5K). Other sponsors were Foot Care Group, Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation, Harvest Market, Cheskin Chiropractic, Perpetual Motion Sport, Party Pizza, Hockessin Athletic Club, Dan Weintraub, Access Labor Service, Primier Wine & Spirits and Caffe Gelato. The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation and the Mike Clark Legacy Foundation as well as other charities will receive funds.
Not such good news was that the 5K had smaller attendance than hoped with 63 finishers. The threat of rainy weather was probably a factor. The committee felt the race was large enough to try it again and to work on growing it. The 15K had slight growth in registrations and finishers (356; 344 in 2011). We had hoped for 400, but it’s a positive.
The only negative comments from the participants were that some of the mile marks for the 15K appeared to be off. That will be checked and corrected. The presence of a regatta, which stretched from one end of the riverwalk to the other, created unanticipated problems. Two vehicles had to be moved where the riverwalk ended at East Poplar St. so that the runners could get off the walkway and onto the street. An industrial area, which is normally deserted, was packed with parked cars. Fortunately no vehicle was attempting to move while the race was going on, but that could be a problem. The race committee will be checking on dates in the future to avoid such a conflict.
On the positive side: Some runners appreciated the unexpected presence of spectators. Additionally, many finishers liked the availability of beer after the event. The pizza was good and didn’t run out. The tech shirt for the 15K featured a re-designed logo (the appearance of which took up way too much time in committee meetings) on a black shirt. A few requested sizes ran out and the committee will tweak the amounts of each size to try to approximate the demand for various sizes.
The race committee feels that PCVRC members need to understand how vital this race is to the health of the club. We definitely lacked enough volunteers to be course marshals and to help at the finish area with tags, water, food and refreshments. A few club members were recruited on the spot (mostly those who had been in the 5K). We hope other club members consider volunteering to be on the DDC committee for next year. The race committee appreciates the great job done by our volunteers!
(Personal observation: After Dave Farren’s ten year run as race director, last year the direction was provided by basically three people, one of whom was club president Ray Christensen. This year even more responsibility fell onto Ray’s shoulders. The club president should not also have to be the main person on the DDC committee and Ray has already stated he won’t be. Other club members need to step up.)
While the threat of weather may have kept participants down, any actual rain held off until the races had finished. Even then it only slightly dampened the post-race awards and festivities. The day was good for running well and the best of those who ran well were as follows:
Overall Male 15K winners: Darryl Brown, 1st, 48:43; Steve Sinko, 2nd, 50:45; and Matthew Szymascek, 3rd, 51:38. Overall Female 15K Winners: Tina Muir, 1st, 53:36; Emily Shertzer, 2nd, 55:11; and Linda Hawke, 3rd, 57:47. Top male Master was Scott Lebo, 51:47 and top female Master was Linda Hawke, 57:47
Overall 5K Winners were Mark Hannagan, 26:50 and Kristen Belair, 19:25. Top Masters were PCVRC members Matt Cutrona, 17:33 and Theresa Cannon, 24:06
The oldest participant in the 15K, 81 year-old club member Don Monagle, broke his state age-group record set last year with this year’s time of 2:31:33.
At the awards ceremony the recent achievement of 88 year-old club member Hugh Campbell was recognized. On the previous Sunday, Hugh ran in the National Masters Championship 5K in Syracuse, N.Y. and set an age-group(85-89) world record by running 26:45. Both PCVRC and MA-USATF presented Hugh with some small mementos.
The DDC 15K also was part of the MA-USATF Grand Prix Series. In all 75 MA-USATF members participated in the event and seven teams met the requirements to post a score.
To see complete results and pictures, go to:
On Sunday, October 21, club member Ryan German’s Caffe Gelato will have its annual Waffle Cone Ten Miler. Registration is at the restaurant, 90 E. Main St., Newark. The race starts on N. College Ave., goes out Creek Rd. into White Clay Creek State Park and back, featuring a mixture of asphalt, gravel and trail surfaces. There’s a pancake breakfast waiting when you finish, topped off with a waffle cone and light beer (well, maybe not both at the same time). Top age-group finishers win gift certificates to Caffe Gelato. With the tech shirt on top of all this, you definitely get your $$ worth. For more info, see:
The next event in the MA-USATF Grand Prix series is the Radnor Run Five Miler on Sunday, Oct. 28. For more info, see:
The next event in the Off-Road Series is the Evansburg Challenge Ten Mile Trail Race also Oct. 28. For more info, see: and open the specific PDF file.
(Personal comment: Why MA-USATF decided to schedule a road event and an off-road event on the same day is beyond me. I spent time trying to convince them to adopt the Caffe Gelato Race (a week earlier) for their ten miler. That would have avoided the conflict. IMO, anyone torn between the two events should choose the Evansburg race. The club already has six team Grand Prix scores and only seven are necessary with three events to go(and possibly three scoring teams on the last event). The Radnor Run is definitely the toughest event with the lowest age-grades. So skip it.)
Punks vs. Geezers race
Here are the details of a little event being put together by Andy Shearer of Middletown Athletic Club:
When: Sunday, December 2, 2012 – race @ 2pm, picnic afterwards (weather permitting)
Where: Lum’s Pond Area 1 – after December 1, there is no fee to enter Lum’s Pond
Event: 5k Cross Country race; team event pitting college age and younger versus ‘seasoned’ runners, using traditional xc scoring. You do NOT need to be on a team to compete. There is both a male & female competition.
Registration: $5.00 per runner for non-club members, or just join the darned club for 2013 and get your race fee waived! Club apps will be available on race day or at www.macrunning,com. Contact for details. Registration fee is $0 for current MAC members. (zip, zilch, nada, none, free)
Awards: Bragging rights and maybe those sweet cookie medals for the top finishers. Otherwise, none.
Amenities: The bathrooms SHOULD be open in area 5. Lots of grass and mud in your teeth. Post-race tailgate party if the weather allows (bring your own picnic basket). This is truly a no-frills race! Heck we might even time it.
Race Results:
Delaware Distance Classic 15K:
31 club participants, 20 in USATF
Age Grade – Time
76.819 54:05 Mike Digennaro, 2nd 30-34
75.584 54:08 Andy Jacubowitch
82.050 55:38 Jay Coughenour, 1st 45-49
83.184 57:42 Tom Steenkamer, 3rd 50-54
81.486 57:54 John Costello
75.264 1:01:27 Sarah Rusk, 1st 30-34
68.528 1:02:09 Chris James, 3rd 35-39
74.362 1:03:58 Dirk Sweigart
71.440 1:05:19 Lynn Knothe, 1st 35-39
70.910 1:06:32 Dava Baca
80.055 1:06:47 Dan Simmons, 1st 65-69
—– 1:06:46 Michael Peyton
—– 1:08:03 Karl Kalbacher
80.287 1:08:34 Carol Giampietro, 3rd 50-54
70.170 1:09:28 Sheri Herrmann, 3rd 40-44
75.222 1:13:12 Carole Feole
63.486 1:14:47 Elena Kupchik
77.140 1:16:21 Beth Howlett, 1st 55-59
52.247 1:19:00 Josh Loren
—– 1:19:54 Bruce Hubbard, 3rd 65-69
—– 1:21:17 Andrea Ladany
—– 1:21:33 Tricia Szymanski
55.935 1:21:36 Rich Szymanski
1:22:05 Connie Montana
1:23:39 Adrienne Kalbacher
1:31:26 Lori Culnane
58.716 1:33:43 Jerry Herman
1:33:46 Rudy Antonini
1:34:21 Stacy Schiller
1:34:23 Joel Schiller
46.337 2:31:33 Don Monagle, 3rd 75+, New State Record – M80-84
Delaware Distance Classic 5K: –
Six club participants
17:33 Matt Cutrona, 2nd Overall, 1st Master
24:06 Theresa Cannon, 1st Female Master
Chicago Marathon
2:39:29 Austin Gee, Boston Qualifier
3:07:11 Keith Crispin, Boston Qualifier