New eBulletin Editor: Dirk Sweigart
Welcome to the new era of the PCVRC. Long-time editor and member Dave McCorquodale has decided to “hang up his pen” and turn this job over to me, Dirk Sweigart. Dave’s shoes will be very hard to fill so, in some ways, I won’t even try. Dave, THANKS for so many years of chronicling the events and achievements of the club and its members. You’ve done a superb job.
I will do my best to keep this newsletter fresh and relevant to you, the Pike Creek Valley club runner. Feedback, positive and negative, is important to me. This newsletter, along with the website ( and the Facebook site need to meet your needs. If they’re not doing so, let me know.
Here’s what’s happening…
PCVRC extends condolences to Lori and John Culnane on the loss of Lori’s mother last week.
We also regret the loss of Don Monagle, as was noted on our Facebook page:
Don Monagle, member of Pike Creek Valley Running Club since 1984, who was inducted in our Hall of Fame in 2002, passed away on New Year’s Day after ten years with multiple myeloma. Don had received several club awards over the years. He had previously held four age-group state records in the 70-74 age group and currently has three age-group records in the 80-84 age group, setting all of them this past fall while his myeloma was in remission. Don’s last race was the Rothman 8K on November 20. Obituary is at and also at Don’s Hall of Fame page at
If you know of other events affecting club members, please pass them along.
2nd Annual Club Challenge 5K – 2/9 at Lum’s Pond
Come to Lums’s Pond on Saturday, Feb 9 for the Club Challenge pitting PCVRC against other area running clubs. It’s a great time to meet lots of other local runners and run or just socialize! Check-in starts at 10:30 am for the 11:30 start and the race is a FREE 5k, chip-timed by NOVA! Last year, over 80 enjoyed the race and PCVRC came out on top by a slim margin. Of course, we retired to a local watering-hole for a post-race party. Age-graded results and we hope to see you there, fast or slow, young or old, new member or veteran. RSVP at or to Tom Steenkamer or Ray Christensen.
Annual Club Awards Banquet is March 2
Please note Saturday 3/2/13 on your calendar to join us for the banquet. Location will be announced in January. We had 70 people last year and would like to see as many as possible, especially if you haven’t fit in many club events! It’s also important since we’ll be electing club officers.
Race Results:
New Year’s Hangover Classic 5K:
19:49 Sarah Rusk, 2nd Overall Female, 1st 30-39
I have asked Dave M to continue to supply the newsletter with the names, times and places of runners who place overall in general races and all of the PCVRC running results for the USATF series as he has in the past. But I am particularly interested in acknowledging significant other accomplishments that may not get noticed otherwise – someone who ran a “first” (5K to a marathon, a tri, etc.) or ran in a “destination” race (like a Ragnar, Big Sur Marathon, etc.) So please, tell on your friends! And I am always in need of race reviews!
2013 USA Masters 8 km Championship
Location: Run for the Dream in Williamsburg, Virginia
Date: Saturday, June 1, 2013
Registration Deadlines:
– Jan 1, 2013 – April 30, 2013: $55
– May 1, 2013- May 26, 2013: $60
– At Expo (Woodlands Conference Center) – Friday, May 31, 11-7 pm: $70
Reminder to renew now for 2013 if you have not already. Mail your $25 check payable to “PCVRC” to PCVRC, PO Box 3259, Wilmington, DE 19804 or pay $26 online by credit card at
Consider inviting someone new to join. Some of the benefits (shirt, free food & drink, discounts, …) are listed at