Renew Membership – Get Your Club Tech Shirt
If you have not yet paid your 2011 club dues, please mail as soon as
possible. We will not be mailing the new New Balance club tech shirts, so plan to either pick one up at a coming club event (Winter Run, Banquet, other group run) or contact Ray (633-1482) to make arrangements. Claire will be in touch with some members who need to submit a new “Member Form” for our records.
Free or Discounted Racing Singlets
Jack Horowitz’s Silverside/Naamans Medical Aid Units have donated towards 50 RaceReady singlets (same as current ones shown at, but with Medical Unit logo on back). To encourage participation on our USATF
teams, they are free to those who registered with USATF ($29/year) and participated in at least 4 series races last year. That makes the following eligible to contact Ray to claim your free shirt:
Deborah Compton, Theresa Kauffman, Claire Neilan,
Carole Feole, Dan Simmons, Lee Kauffman,
Epi Camacho, Dirk Sweigart, Dean Coffin,
Tom Steenkamer, Rich Szymanski, Josh Loren,
John Schultz, Fred Shufflebarger, Tom Jermyn,
Lorri Fencer, Chris James, Jack & Kelly Horowitz
If not on this list, you can receive a free one, if you join USATF this year and after you complete your 4th race either the Road and/or Off Road series in 2011. Contact team coordinator Rich Szymanski for dates and carpool information.
Instructions to join/renew USATF ($30 per person)
When you enter your information, you must include our club number (0025 or 25) for you to be recorded on our team. Register online at
If not joining USATF, all are invited to purchase one or more singlet for the low price of $10 each! Again, contact Ray.
Club Member Meeting 1/18 6pm
All members and prospective members are invited to attend an informal
“Brainstorming in the Beer Room” meeting at Ray’s house near Delcastle on Tuesday Jan 18 from 6:00pm to 7:00pm or so. Beer will be provided to help us discuss ways to improve the club. Bring any suggestions or ideas for events. Would you like to host a group run or help make the club more fun and beneficial?
Would you like to play a role on the DDC 15K committee?
Would you like us to help new runners and even walkers?
Contact Ray to RSVP.
Winter Run 5K 1/30 10am
We’re planning a 5K fun run at Carousel Park for Sunday morning, Jan 30 to be followed by socializing over lunch or brunch just up the street at Ruby Tuesday’s or another local place. It’s a fun run on the beautiful cross country course, so if you have trail shoes, wear’em. Maybe we’ll even be
lucky enough to have some snow to make things interesting. This is a free event for members AND non-members, so bring friends.
Contact Josh Loren at to give us an idea of number or especially if you can assist in any way.
Club Awards Banquet
We’re finalizing plans for our annual banquet which will be held on either Feb 26 or Mar 5. Keep an eye on this bulletin or our website events page for details. Contact any board member to nominate someone who you think is deserving of an Outstanding Achievement Award (including our Runner of the
Year and Rookie of the Year). Nominations needed by end of January.
You can reply to this bulletin with your nominations. Reminder: Those receiving major awards will receive a plaque. Others will receive a Notable Achiever glass with club logo. If you wish to nominate someone for a major award, please give specific reasons and any numbers you can provide. The board will be final decisions on awards.
Weekly Group Runs
Regular Wednesday & Thursday 6pm Delcastle runs and Sunday 8am long runs (Panera in Newark) continue throughout the winter. Come on out! You’ll be warm in no time.