PCVRC Awards Banquet is February 26
SAVE THE DATE!!! The club has confirmed the awards banquet date. It’s Saturday, Feb. 26, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Ed Oliver Country Club on Dupont Road, just west of Wilmington. We are in the process of determining the menu, inviting a guest speaker, and voting on awards winners (still not too late to nominate someone). Details and sign-ups forms to be out soon.
U. of DE Axes Men’s Indoor Track and XC after 2011
The running community in Delaware has just suffered a huge blow as the University of Delaware has decided to cut the men indoor track and cross-country teams, adding to the loss of the outdoor track team last year.
News Journal Article
In a horrifying nexus of sports-for-the-sake-of-making-money with the worst possible interpretation of an equitable way to apply Title XI rules, the U. of DE has decided to cut men’s running programs in order to bring the percentage of women athletes closer to matching the percentage of female students. It’s addition by subtraction. Instead of interpreting the Title XI rules to mean that the number of opportunities to participate in athletics must be proportional, the U of DE has decided to make a literal interpretation. This calculation all starts with the fact that there is no equivalent woman’s sport to match the male football team, which immediately consumes about 80 scholarship spots.
Never mind that the U. of DE is supported by our taxes, that athletes in these programs come to a larger extent than other sports from Delaware, that many of these athletes go on to coach at area schools, that running athletes have some of the best GPAs of all athletes. The talent will now go out of state and Delaware will be the poorer because of it. Lastly, never mind that running can become a lifetime activity with all the known physical and mental benefits for those who do it. Meanwhile, can anyone think of former “jock” athletes who became overweight and out of shape once the glory days were over?
Annual Awards
Last call to nominate a fellow club member (or yourself) for an award. Reply to this eBulletin or email by Jan 25 with your name, nominee name and list of accomplishments for someone to be Runner of the Year, Rookie of the Year, Volunteer of the Year or Outstanding Achievement.
Help Needed for DDC 15K
After many years of an outstanding job as Race Director of the Delaware Distance Classic (Oct 9 this year), Dave Farren is stepping aside to allow others to take charge. This has been our club’s most important event for over 28 years and we need assistance for both race day volunteers and race committee members to make all of the necessary arrangements for the event to run smoothly. It’s a great opportunity to get involved in an activity that helps the club and fellow runners.
The committee will likely hold several meetings leading up to race day. Dave will guide us through the process to ensure a successful transition and experienced race coordinators Joel Schiller and Jim Steele have offered to be involved. But we need more help, so contact Ray asap (even if you’re already a regular DDC volunteer) to let us know if you can assist on race day and/or play some kind of role on the committee.
Instructions to join/renew USATF ($30 per person)
Join USATF to be part of our team in Road and/or Off Road series races. When you enter your information, you must include our club number (0025 or 25) for you to be recorded on our team. Register online at https://www.usatf.org/membership/application/
MAUSATF Grand Prix Series:
Haddonfield Adrenaline Run 5K – March 19
Citizens Bank Caesar Rodney Half-Marathon – March 27
Valley Forge Revolutionary 5 Mile Run – April 17
Blue Cross Broad Street Run 10 Mile – May 1
Scott Coffee Moorestown Rotary 8K-June 4
Delaware Distance Classic 15K – October 9
Radnor Run 5 Miles – October 30
Norcross-Cooper Bridge Challenge 10K – November 6
*Rothman Institute 8K – Nov. – 19, Philadelphia Marathon & Half Marathon – Nov. 20
(Note: As was warned in last week’s E-bulletin, registraton for the Broad St. 10 Miler is now closed.)
MAUSATF Off-Road Series:
Ugly Mudder 7.25 Mi Trail Run – February 27
Tyler Arboretum 10K Trail Run – April 2
Triple Crown Trail 10K Run – April 30
Wissahickon Trail Classic 10K – June 4
Half-Wit Half Marathon – August 14
Radnor Red 5K Steeplechase – August 21
Delaware Open XC Championship 5K XC Race – November 26
Contact team coordinator Rich Szymanski for carpool information and to advise him which of the events you will likely run.
Winter Run 5K 1/30 10am
We’re planning a 5K fun run at Carousel Park for Sunday morning, Jan 30 to be followed by socializing over lunch or brunch just up the street at Ruby Tuesday’s or another local place. It’s a fun run on the beautiful cross country course, so if you have trail shoes, wear’em. Maybe we’ll even be lucky enough to have some snow to make things interesting. This is a free event for members AND non-members, so bring friends.
Contact Josh Loren at to give us an idea of number or
especially if you can assist in any way.
Renew Membership
For those who haven’t yet renewed their club membership, now is the time. Individual or family membership is $25 for the year. If none of your personal information has changed and you signed a membership form last year, simply send in your check, made out to PCVRC, to PCVRC, P.O.Box 3259, Wilmington, DE 19804. If any personal information has changed in the last year, please download, fill out and enclose a new form: http://www.pcvrc.com/pdf/PCVRCMembership.pdf
We will not be mailing the new New Balance club tech shirts, so plan to either pick one up at a coming club event (Winter Run, Banquet, other group run) or contact Ray (633-1482) to make arrangements.
New Club member Sheri Herrmann was featured in the Delaware Health section of the News-Journal on Tuesday: http://www.delawareonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2011110117041
Race Results:
Arizona Rock And Roll Half Marathon
1:32:58 Kelly Horowitz
1:41:37 Glen Beringer
1:43:29 Kristen Stump
1:45:58 Jack Horowitz
Icicle Run Ten Miler
1:03:24 Matt Cutrona 1st 40-44
1:08:13 Chris James
1:08:13 Epi Camacho 1st 55-59 first race in new age group
1:12:39 Dirk Sweigart 3rd 50-54
1:15:14 Wes Stafford
1:16:53 Ray Christensen
1:19:44 Carole Feole 1st 50-54
1:21:00 Rich Szymanski
1:22:39 David Baca
1:28:03 Elena Kupchik
1:29:53 Dave McCorquodale
1:31:03 Lori Culnane
1:37:51 Bruce Hubbard
1:47:48 Rudy Antonini
1:56:05 Ralph McKinney
Club members Jim Durkin, John Schultz and Dan Weinstein were race volunteers. The nephew of John and Lori Culnane, Kierkan Tuntivate was 11th overall with a time of 1:04:46 at the age of 13! The lowest state age group record is 18 and under, but if there were a separate category for 13 and under, this would surely be a state record. Olympian Vic Zwolak set another 70-74 age group state record in 1:18:19, breaking the reocrd held by club member Don Monagle.