2nd Annual Club Challenge 5K – 2/9 at Lum’s Pond
Come to Lums’s Pond on Saturday, Feb 9 for the Club Challenge pitting PCVRC against other area running clubs. It’s a great time to meet lots of other local runners and run or just socialize! Check-in starts at 10:30 am for the 11:30 start and the race is a FREE 5k, chip-timed by NOVA! Last year, over 80 enjoyed the race and PCVRC came out on top by a slim margin. Of course, we retired to a local watering-hole for a post-race party. Age-graded results and we hope to see you there, fast or slow, young or old, new member or veteran. RSVP at https://www.facebook.com/events/398163053601063/ or to Tom Steenkamer or Ray Christensen.
PCVRC extends condolences to Doris and Chip Bixler on the passing of Doris’ mother, Doris Westley Hogentogler. http://www.mccreryandharra.com/online_obituaries.php?did=1865
If you know of other events affecting club members, please pass them along.
First 10 Miler
Congratulations to club member Mark Denio on his first ever 10-miler!
Annual Club Awards Banquet is March 2
Please note Saturday 3/2/13 on your calendar to join us for the banquet. Location will be announced in January. We had 70 people last year and would like to see as many as possible, especially if you haven’t fit in many club events! It’s also important since we’ll be electing club officers.
Race Results: If we missed your results, please let us know.
Icicle Ten Miler:
What a great turnout and after-party!
1:00:37 Greg Cauller, 5th Overall, 1st 50-54
1:03:02 Matt Cutrona, 1st 40-44
1:06:34 Epi Camacho, 1st 55-59
1:07:15 Sarah Rusk, 1st 30-34
1:07:38 Tom Jermyn
1:08:31 Kelly Horowitz, 2nd 35-39
1:10:00 Lee Kauffman
1:11:26 Dirk Sweigart
1:11:31 Kristen Stump, 1st 19-24
1:14:06 David Baca
1:16:44 Dan Simmons, 1st 65-69
1:16:46 Sheri Herrmann
1:19:07 Ray Christensen
1:19:32 Dave McSherry
1:20:05 Jack Horowitz
1:20:09 Theresa Kauffman, 3rd 50-54
1:24:05 Rich Szymanski
1:25:08 Jim Steele
1:25:22 Paul Schweitzer
1:27:52 Bruce Hubbard
1:28:14 Dave McCorquodale
1:29:07 Connie Montana
1:35:30 John Hand
1:39:49 Rudy Antonini
1:40:34 Claire Neilan
1:40:34 Tony Chelpaty
1:40:35 Darlise DiMatteo
1:40:++ Andrea Ladany
1:41:00 Tricia Szymanski
1:42:41 Stacey Schiller
1:46:37 Jerry Herman
2:26:53 John Schultz, New State Record, Men 80-84
2:56:18 Mark Denio, 1st ten miler
I am particularly interested in acknowledging significant other accomplishments that may not get noticed otherwise – someone who ran a “first” (5K to a marathon, a tri, etc.) or ran in a “destination” race (like a Ragnar, Big Sur Marathon, etc.) So please, tell on your friends! And I am always in need of race reviews!
USATF – 2013 Mid Atlantic USATF racing season from Tom Steenkamer
Hello PCVRC members and welcome to 2013. This year will be my first as the coordinator for the club USATF race team. Coming off our strongest team finish in a couple of years in 2012, I’m already planning on a great 2013!
The MA-USATF will recognize and celebrate club and individual performances from 2012 for long distance running as well as track and field at their annual banquet on Saturday, January 26th, in Wayne PA. Our own Hugh Campbell will be recognized for his outstanding achievements in 2012 including his record setting performances at the Syracuse, NY 5k Championship, and the Rothman 8k. Limited tickets are still available via mail. More information on the banquet is available here: http://www.mausatf.org/pdf/2013-awards-luncheon-invitation.pdf
The USATF 2013 race calendar is now available on the MA-USATF web site for both the Grand Prix (road) and Off-Road (trail). There are no significant changes to the race calendar this year although thankfully the series has finally resolved the concurrent races for Moorestown/Wissahickon, and Radnor/Evansburg.
All club members are welcome to join the fun and compete in these events. Typically we arrange car pools and gather afterwards for post-race refreshment.
Please renew your 2013 USATF membership ASAP (New members designate club ID #0025 for PCVRC). This is particularly important for any club member who wants to compete in the Broad St. Run. After last year’s record sell out (5 hours) the Broad St. race director has announced a lottery system will be implemented for race entry. In order to ensure your race entry for Broad St. your 2013 USTAF membership must be paid by 1/31/13.
The first races of the season are fast approaching. The trail series opens on February 24th with the Chilly Cheeks in Reading. A new name and course await us according to the RD, Ron Horn. Due to the races inclusion in the La Sportiva Mountain race series Ron reports that he has added a few more hills!
Club scoring for the opening weekend of the Grand Prix series will be combined between 2 races. First on March 16th will be the Adrenaline 5k in Haddonfield, NJ, followed by the 5oth anniversary of the Caesar Rodney Half Marathon on Sunday, March 17th. Registration is now open for all of these races.
Happy running!
Haddonfield Adrenaline: Signup for the Haddonfield Adrenaline Run 5K in March will be done only online. The website is runsignup.com. The limit for this event this year is 1,100. Several hundred have signed up already. While there is no rush, the director will NOT be reserving last minute sign-ups for USATF members. So sign up in advance.
Club Board Meetings: PCVRC Board meetings are scheduled for these dates in 2013 – Mar 19, Apr 23, Jun 18, Aug 06, Sep 17, Nov 12. Board meetings are open to all members – we do ask that you contact a board member of your interest to attend before the meeting to confirm the date and location. All meetings are at 6:30 pm.
Remember to renew your PCVRC membership for 2013 if you have not already. Mail your $25 check payable to “PCVRC” to PCVRC, PO Box 3259, Wilmington, DE 19804 or pay $26 online by credit card at www.pcvrc.com/join.php. Consider inviting someone new to join. Some of the benefits (shirt, free food & drink, discounts, etc.) are listed at www.pcvrc.com/joinbenefits.php