Nominations for Awards for 2013!
We want to hear from you!! Now is the time to think about which of your PCVRC running colleagues are deserving of a PCVRC award, to be presented at the banquet on Saturday March 8. Please email me () by JAN 20th with your suggestions. Many of our runners have had significant accomplishments this year, so if you know of anyone who has these accomplishments (posted a whopping PR, has provided outstanding service to the club, or who has overcome significant obstacles to get back into running, etc.) then let us know!
Specific examples might include our member who completed 13 half marathons in the year 2013, our member who PR’d in all of the distances she ran, the male masters team that placed in the National Championship…or our member who broke his hip biking then ran two marathons 4 and 5 months later! And let’s not forget the wonderful women who completed our Couch 2 5K program and not only are still running, but are now registering for longer distance races – AWESOME!! These are all award-worthy achievements, and we want to know about all of your accomplishments and your recommendations for awards. So get the emails coming!!! We are likely to have about 5 awards and we will acknowledge other significant achievements in our Banquet Program.
We wish a Happy New Year to everyone, and give our best wishes for a wonderful year of happy and healthy running in 2014.
Annual Banquet
Speaking of awards, the annual banquet is scheduled for March 8, 2014 – mark your calendars now!
Treat Yourself!
For the month of January all running apparel is 30% off at our sponsor New Balance Brandywine and New Balance Christiana. PCVRC members also receive 20% off footwear and accessories.
Race Results, Reviews and accomplishments:
Here’s what’s been sent in…
Nothing has been submitted for this issue but if you ran when the temperature was below 10 degrees, pat yourself on the back! You’re either crazy, dedicated or both!
Robin Jeffries, from the USATF Mid-Atlantic Long Distance Running Committee, is planning to be at the Icicle Race (and post-race Ale House afterwards?) Come out and meet our MA USATF advocate for long-distance running.
If you plan to run for the club in USATF races, now is the time to renew your dues. If you’ve never done this, it can be a lot of fun. If you’re interested, contact Tom Steenkamer (), talk to Robin, or you can read about it at the links below. Or talk to any other USATF-registered PCVRC runner (there are over 25 USATF registered members in PCVRC).
The 2014 Club Challenge Circuit races are:
Haddonfield Adrenaline Run 5K – March 15
Citizens Bank Caesar Rodney Half-Marathon – March 23
Valley Forge Revolutionary 5 Mile Run – April 27
Blue Cross Broad Street Run 10 Mile – May 4
Scott Coffee Moorestown Rotary 8K – June 7
Delaware Distance Classic 15K – October 12
Penn Medicine Radnor Run 5 Miles – October 26
Cooper Norcross Run The Bridge 10K – November 2
*Rothman Institute 8K – Nov. – 22, Philadelphia Marathon & Half Marathon – Nov. 23
Races/results for the Grand Prix Circuit can be found here
The 2014 off-Road Running Series Races are:
Ugly Mudder 7 Mile Trail Run – February 23
Tyler Arboretum 10K Trail Run – April 5
Trail Triple Crown 10K Run – April 26
Wissahickon Trail Classic 10K – June 7
Chobot Challenge 8 Mile Trail Run – July 13
Radnor Red Run 5K Steeplechase – August 17
Evansburg Challenge 10 Miler – October 19
Delaware Open XC Championship – November 29